One Step At A Time: Benefits Of Transitional Housing For Formerly-Incarcerated Individuals

For those who have recently been released from long-term incarceration, the transition back into the world can be a struggle. From not knowing where to live to worrying about finding a new job, re-entry can definitely prove to be extremely stressful and, at times, impossible. Luckily, transitional housing offers a safe haven for those who have recently been released and provides the essential resources they need to make it on their own. Here are just a few ways how transitional housing can benefit the lives of formerly-incarcerated individuals.

Safe Housing

Transitional housing will ensure that residents are placed in an environment that is geared towards their successful re-entry into the workforce and housing. Without this transitional form of housing, formerly incarcerated individuals may feel completely lost as to where to live. Many may end up living on the streets and even resorting back to destructive activities such as drug use, alcohol abuse, or criminal behavior. Transitional housing provides a safeguard for these individuals to eventually feel secure enough to be on their own as well as boost confidence in the ability to reside in the outside world. 

Meals and Hygiene

For many individuals who were formerly incarcerated, the guarantee of a hot meal is not always present in their lives. Transitional housing ensures that their basic human needs are met by providing meals for residents who may not otherwise have an opportunity to eat. Without having to feel anxious over where they will receive their next meal, residents are able to fully focus on moving forward in their lives. Likewise, basic hygienic needs including hot and running water will be provided to residents. While these may seem like basic amenities, they are invaluable resources for those who are unsure of where to turn once they have been released from incarceration. 

Life Skills Resources

Many formerly incarcerated individuals may feel completely lost when it comes to making it in the outside world. Without a job and a large gap in employment, these individuals may indeed feel very discouraged from re-entry into the workforce. Transitional housing not only provides the basic needs of these people but also offers resources such as where to go for employment and job training. With access to this information, newly-released individuals will feel far more confident in their ability to find and retain employment. This is an integral part of the re-entry phase of their journey back into the world and will allow them to eventually become completely independent. 

Reach out to an incarceration transitional housing facility to learn more.

About Me

Benefits of Providing Humanitarian Services

Growing up, my father instilled in me the value of helping people in need. For instance, he regularly donated money to missionaries in other countries. He also gave funds to an orphanage located a few hundred miles away from our home. My dad volunteered every Thursday at a local food pantry. Each week, he offered food, clothing, and counseling to the less fortunate in our neighborhood. Helping others provided my father with a sense of purpose. He believed he was put on this earth in order to do good for people in trouble. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of providing humanitarian services to those less fortunate than you are. Enjoy!
